as in not to do can but try !!!
Here's the print

Yeay as I said's one of the prints I finally entered for the British miniprint 2011.
On reflection I think it didn't have enough variation of tone ( which is never my strongest point !!)
I made it using a pre rocked mezzotint plate that I purchased from
Intaglio Printmakers in London.
An 18 x 20 cm plate is listed on there as costing £82.00 .......which I think must be a mistake. Because the ones I bought a few years ago were about £15 each I seem to remember. I still have two of them I must have felt a bit more well off then because I wouldn't buy something like that now.
What's ironic is that after spending ages making two of the 3 miniprints I submitted - I then put in another miniature version of a print I had already done but of which I none the less was very fond of ..
Its called Obdurate Heart and is about homelessness or being stateless ( as in being a refugee) I had to do 32 attempts to get the colour and size etc printed out correctly - don't let anyone kid you, that inkjet print is an easy option...........
Anyway it was this one the pinkie - that got selected and not the other two which I had spent ages working on. The catalogue which they made to accompany the exhibition wasn't too bad I think you can
download it as a PDF if you are interested in seeing all the works that were selected to be in the show.