The really dapper guy in the foreground with the voluminous shorts is Barry my younger brother - he was always a cute toddler, though I can't ever remember that his hair was that shiney!!
I think the guy behind my brother Paddy was Michael our next door neighbour and I can't really identify anyone else.
My sister ( in law ) Bridie, who is Paddy's lovely wife and partner gave me this photo either the last time I saw her or the time before that. I think she discovered it when she was probably at the old homestead going though old photos with my mother, Anne Louise, who has now passed away.
I would imagine that it was a lovely day for her too, a rare day of celebration in a life that was a constant struggle. Paddy must have been about 7 or 8 at the time, I must have been about 4 or 5 and Barry must have been about 2 years old. We all look quite different now.
There are very few photos of us from our childhood so this is something to treasure. People nowadays, well for quite a few years now. take loads and loads of photos of their kids and their lives but back then it was quite common that you would go to a photographers studio.