Remember that song ...”.well I see her face everywhere I go, in the streets and even in the picture show - Have you seen her, tell me have you seen her”?
This is a photo of myself and a long time friend Susan Carlyle, who grew up in Australia. I think she has dual nationality though I am not certain. Her dad is English – I wish I had his contact details. We met through both working in London, at a Jewish residential unit , a social care project. We became good buddies and have always maintained contact. This photo was taken on a day trip to Cambridge, in the university grounds. I had just bought that green hat, from a little street market, which at that time cost me sixty pounds and I was delighted with it. It's made by a French designer Jacque something or other.
Then these American or Canadian tourists spotted us and asked if they could take our photo so we agreed and they took our contact details and later sent the photo.
The man kind of apologized afterwards saying he had been acting on impulse and just though that we looked such an absolute picture - especially with "that hat" .............kind of looked like a little Irish Leprechaun. Imagine his embarrassment when I mentioned that I actually was Irish!!
We just all laughed about it.
On a more serious note I have lost touch with Susan though I am under the impression that she is here in the UK. I just hope she is OK. I will be so pleased when I hear from her.