2009 Print Exchange
Oregon Ink Spot invites you to participate in the 3rd Annual (2009) International Print Exchange. This exchange is open to artists from throughout the United States and abroad. In lieu of an entry fee Oregon Ink Spot will keep two prints from each edition submitted to the exchange.
All prints must conform to the following guidelines. Any prints that do not fit the guidelines will be returned to the artist at the artist’s expense.
DEADLINE: Prints, SASE or envelope with coupons, and completed/signed submission form/image reproduction agreement must be received on or before March 15th, 2009.
• Paper Size: 5”x 7” (12.7cm x 17.8cm)
• Theme: Reflections of your current studio practice.
• Medium: Intaglio, Relief, Lithography, Serigraphy, Collograph, Monotypes, Monoprints or any combination of these methods is acceptable. Digital prints or photographs with the addition of any hand printed methods will also be accepted.
Oregon Ink Spot will not accept traditional photography, off-set reproductions or reproductions of art originally produced in another medium.
• Editioning Requirements: Each edition must include 15 identical prints signed and numbered 1 through 15 (example 1/15, 2/15,...15/15). Each edition must be original art and made for this exchange. Please insert 5” x 7” interleaf or glassine sheets between each print. No newsprint, please. Multiple unique submissions are acceptable.
• Additional Requirements: Each print must be accompanied with the following information: Artist’s name, title, and medium. This information may be handwritten on the back of each print, printed on a separate 5” x 7” sheet to accompany each print or pasted to the back of each print. Please take care to use acid free adhesives. Please also take care to insure all handwritten information is legible.
• SASE and International Reply Coupons: US participants, please include a 6” x 9” (or larger) preaddressed return envelope with adequate return postage attached. International participants, please include a 6” x 9” (or larger) preaddressed return envelope and 3 prepaid International Reply Coupons.
• RSVP your intention to participate by e-mail to: inkspot@eou.edu
• All prints submitted will be put in a web gallery and may be reproduced to promote this project.
A portfolio of 13 randomly selected prints will be mailed to each participant in the Spring 2009.
For a downloadable submission pdf and to visit the web gallery 2007/08 go to www.eou.edu/inkspot
Mail Submissions to:
Oregon Ink Spot Print Exchange
Kathelene Galloway
Loso Hall 154
One University Blvd.
Eastern Oregon University
La Grande, OR 97850
Artists featured in the image sheet from the 2008 print exchange:
Ivan Frew
Nicki Dennett
Jennifer Hines
"Nicki Dennett
Simone De Jospin ( no web reference)
Torben Soberg ( no web reference)
Nikkie Wilson ( no web reference)
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