This little print is on its way to Perth now to become part of the Remix 100 project. I am not too sure how this came about i.e., the exhibition of the little prints housed in CD boxes, but I am pretty sure that Su Grierson or Perth Visual Arts Forum will have had a fair amount to do with it as I get the impression that this is a lady who likes to get things done once she sets her mind to it.
I popped this print in a CD case, in a "Jiffy' bag(envelope) into the postbox at about 11.30 this morning. It's probably in a sorting office somewhere now - actually I think it will be Edinburgh.
Apparently this exhibition is next going to be shown in China. That will be about the fifth time I have shown there. First time was through the Irish exhibition of works by James Ryan at his gallery there in China - this was called "6x6". I will post the images I showed in those two exhibitions sometime here on the blog.