Anne Forte/ Joyce Gunn Cairns/ Leena Nammari at Edinburgh Printmakers
17 January to 07 March 2009
Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 6pm
Anne Forte, ‘Feels Like Forever’: An exhibition exploring the cognitive processing of memories and the unconscious re-writing of personal histories.
Joyce Gunn Cairns, ‘Bodily Traces’: An exhibition of etchings and drawings reflecting the artist's fascination with all sentient life, whether it be literary figures or crows.
Leena Nammari, ‘Space to Breathe’: An exhibition of photography, printmaking and film reflecting her constant search for what she considers as home in all its manifestations.
Location: 23 Union Street, Edinburgh Call: 0131 557 2479
For more information visit: www.edinburgh-printmakers.co.uk
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