I am on the verge of doing a proper update concerning my activities in the studio of late. One thing I needed to do immediately was to download all of the work folders from my Powerbook G4 laptop. I put these on memory sticks which take 4 GB, they are then transferred onto DVD's on the Macbook ( our most powerful up to date Mac) compliments, so to speak of my long suffering partner C. !!
In the mean time, I came across this image, which I saved from Luz Darriba's website.
She is from Lugo in Galicia in the north west of Spain. A beautiful region, I have been there twice, on both occasions through a "Riverside Artists Group"exhibition.
Sadly the groups website seems to have 'expired'. That's a shame but perhaps it all got to be too much for Jose Saurez( one of the founding members), who bravely restarted the group, about 4 years ago after it had been dormant for a few years.
I was a member of the group for a good number of years. In RAG's early days an exhibition was co ordinated with a group of Moscow - based artists. That was before "Perestroika" so quite a feat. I would have liked to have been involved in that but it was before my time. There were a few artists who were in that show who were also in both of the exhibitions in Galicia.
Jose is from Lugo and that was how we had the link with Spain. We were very well received there and the local authorities treated us very well organizing a reception dinner in both cases with all of the local VIP's. They were very smart too with liaising with the press and television reps for the openings.
They really excelled themselves. Printing catalog and so on as well, with ( of course!!) the predictable spelling errors given that we had a language difference to contend with.
I sent Jose a Christmas card so now he knows where I live and my contact details so maybe I will hear from him as to how things are going with RAG and indeed himself.

Photo taken of my printmaking based installation at the last exhibition Riverside Artists Group presented in Spain (2002) - this being held at Museo Ourense.
Footnote- I have had a card from Jose indicating that Riverside artists group is alive and well after all.
Riverside Artists Group
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