Using the internet means that one finds oneself darting all over the place like some deranged grasshopper. For example this morning I opened the computer (the downstairs one) to find an email from a fellow called
Brian Sherwin who is a contributing editor to the My Art Space dot com/ blog which I came across through having put my own artwork onto
my art space.Note this website is slow to start up it has a long intro but there is a lot of good stuff on there and it's pretty cool if you can sit it through to past 'that gatepost.
Who would have thought that while on there (where I went after reading Brian's email) that I would end up, sort of defending, as it were, the honour of Damien Hirst ?! Well ,well ....you just never know where the spiders web will take you ha ha.
And whilst on the subject ( yes I can just about retain focus despite the tangled web about me ) of dots.....I thought It was high time that I post up another image to this blog. I knew it was a bad idea in a way, I mean having a blog) but I wanted to have a blog, at the same time. I mean...the thing with blogs is that they take time to develop and nourish and as can be seen ( it's the same with house plants) I'm a hopless 'waterer' so ho hum....all we can ever do in this world is to try to do better !!!
Getting back to the image I'm posting - its a recently finished print made for an international portfolio exchange project, with the theme of 'Refugee', organised by an artists organisation called