Sunday 27 February 2011

Grabado Nova Galicia 2010

 above: CD of the Catalogue for the 2010 exhibition. 

My work was not selected. I submitted 2 medium sized prints.  I noticed that most of the selected pieces were at the full printmaking paper size e.g., 100 x 80 cm , or thereabouts.  I really do find it a physical conundrum i.e.,  submitting larger works for these more prestigious exhibitions.  Most of my works (and especially the larger ones) are unique ( i.e.,  "non-editioned".

In the period 1999 -2001 - I did submit to a couple of big exhibitions such as Trois Rivieres (Canada) and another in Taiwan or China.  The prints, when they were eventually  returned were  pretty wrecked, and more or less just fit for the bin.  I would love to have other print makers comments on this dilemma ?
Maybe I should just send large ones,  once again  and see how it goes this time around.

What was a unique experience, for me,  with Caixa Nova Galicia, was that the organizers took the trouble and expense to send me a catalogue (not sure whether the catalogue they sent me was a full version - as it is quite slim).  Perhaps they are working to a tighter budget on this occasion.

I say this bearing in mind the usual standard size,  one would expect from a host such as this.  These people are like one of the biggest bankers in Spain/Europe.

BELOW is my winner of this competition.  I am never sure whether technical skill is held in higher estimation as regards criteria by the selectors but this piece stood out to me.  I mean art has to be interesting and meaningful more than anything?!........and  I would have thought -  thereafter technical merit?


Here is a LINK to a report on the event.
I found this on Caixa Novas Social website and translated it from Galician.
Incidentally I have a fondness for Galicia as I have exhibited there on 2 separate occasions.   Boy - they sure treat artists with respect over there AND  we were very well received and looked after.....when I exhibited there with the Riverside Artists group from London. 

Looks like R.A.G. have just had work in an exhibition in Beijing ( !!!).   Typical - that not that long after I have left London something unusual  in terms of exhibiting comes about ! -   I wonder if any of them went over there?  

I did receive a lovely Christmas card from my dear friend Maire Gartland, who along with me was a member of R.A.G. from way back when.  She seems to no longer have a website?  I have two of her -   artworks on my walls.

Footnote: unfortunately  Jabier Herrero does not seem to have a website either - bah I was looking forward to having a look at some more of his artworks. !!

1 comment:

  1. I am in agreement with you, there is no hard and fast rule about getting into these open shows, is it luck, is it subject matter, is it size or is it dare I say who you know? Entering printmaking shows seems more problematic that entering themed exhibitions. I think themed shows like to have a smattering of printmakers.
    If we all knew the formula it would really be pot luck. Don't loose heart, it is never personal. XX


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