oh my Gawd.......I'm afraid I do find it all to be a bit of a pain. It's just a consumeristic extravaganza and such an awful amount of money goes to waste that could be put to so much better use. I appreciate that some of you may possibly be saying "bah humbug" and the like but ...well I mean if you are a little kid and you still believe in Santa Claus then Christmas truly is wondrous and magical and to be around such children must be a joy.
I have my artwork in an exhibition of the name Christmas Machine which is being presented by a guy called Kay Biesalski who is an artist and the owner of the MFK gallerie in Berlin. My first time showing in Berlin so that's a good thing. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to beam myself over there like the star trekkers oh if only magic was real ( I know that sounds crazy - by the way is that a 'tautology'? )
The piece that I sent was originally made for a print edition. But this was a different version in that I incorporated an intaglio element, making it a "one off" unique "tradigital" work.
Some of the artists exhibiting include Yuka Yamaguchi ,Toby Tam, Bobi and Bobi, Daniela Orvin, Marcel Prins, Martina Florarce, Matt Mignanelli, Aya Rosen, Yuiko Takada, Matthias Adolfsson, Cecilia Levy, John Azelvandre, Cher MacNeil, F.P.W. (Austria), Galia Ofri, Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva, Billy & Hells, Archi Galentz, K.B. Kleeman, Johannes Heidenpeter, Jonathan C. Vaughan, www.timobeil.com, Rami Efal, Jenny Kocerka, Pilar Berrio, Massioma Nato, Stacey Miso, Hila Amram, Raul Walsh.
You can see a set of images relating to the exhibition on the MFK Flickr album that Kay operates http://www.flickr.com/photos/kay_berlin/sets/72157603214571790/
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