Thursday 11 April 2019

E is for 'Environmount" which is a kind of matt board that I found out about whilst browsing the web for something else

is for "Environmount" which is a kind of matt board that I found out about whilst browsing the web for something else.  There was/is a link though to someone by the name of " Julie Hoyle" I knew back in 1999 at the London College of Printing at the Elephant and Castle.
LEFT: Lost in Space, solar plate+ collagraph + chine colle

At that time you could enrol to do an "Experimental Printmaking" course which took place weekly on a Thursday or Friday.  I can't remember which day or even if it was both days.  The cost was very reasonable and as a  new masters graduate(2nd Masters degree)  printmaker - it was in essence, a means of having access to a print workshop.  Having said that there were mostly great people there and the staff were supportive and it was fun on the whole.

Note I don't think there is such a liberal amount of opportunities there nowadays as was the case back then.  The City Lit and Morley Collage used to be good for part time courses.  I just mention this in case anyone, London based , reading this, is interested.
I came across the information concerning the use of this material on someones website.  She had been on a 3 day course which I thought she had undertaken at Ochre Print Studio in the south of England.  Julie Hoyle is the person who founded this print workshop - way to go Julie - well done you !!! and yeah .... and You know what?..... it really does seem like a GOOD print workshop with plenty of interesting courses.

I have to admit that I later realised that she had done the course at Leicester Print Workshop.
I get the impression from previous website visits......and from being selected a few times to be in their miniprint travelling exhibitions....that this is a really good print workshop.
If I wasn't disabled/decrepit like I am  ...I'd consider hopping on a train and going down to do a course.  To me spending money on doing courses in your 'specialist' area - is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
I will definitely do posts on here once I get my order delivered and try it out.  What I also like about environment is that as well as being able to get excellent results in intaglio - you can also get lovely tonal effects when rolling it as a relief print.
LEFT :proof of a print that is a work in progress. approx A3 in size. collagraph and drypoint


The special thing with this mount board is that it has several layers and enables a lot of scope with tone and mark making.

I will post outcomes once I get going with it.

ABOVE "Individual Spirit" 2 plate collagraph and chine colle `+ copper etch plates 30 x 30 cm 
12 X 12 inch

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